01:090:180, 3 credits
Course Description
The course is open to all Rutgers University students in the spring semester.
The GRE is a standardized test used by almost all Graduate and Professional schools in America to assess applicants to their programs. ODASIS aims to equip more Rutgers University students to study effectively for the course through a series of lectures, practice tests, discussion groups, and regular assignments. The course will focus on problem based learning in the topics of Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Writing, and Quantitative Reasoning. Students enrolled in the course will receive 3 college credits, and will be assessed on the basis of attendance, weekly assignments, class participation, and discussion group initiatives.
ODASIS GRE Course Spring 2020:
This program is a structured, comprehensive, cost-effective way to excel on your GRE! The course meets in-person every Saturday beginning on January 25th, 2020 and concludes on Saturday, April 25th --the class meets from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. in ARC. There will be work that is completed autonomously online throughout the week. There will be no class during Spring Break. You must fill out the information below to be considered for the course. We only have space for 80 students (so please apply quickly if interested). The class is to prepare students who are planning on taking the test in May/June 2020.
If interested, please fill out this link: https://forms.gle/uAtzNZEoyAvQc531A