Mojisola Obayanju White Coat Ceremony 2023Mojisola Obayanju developed a passion for medicine—and neurology, in particular—as a cell biology and neuroscience undergraduate at Rutgers. In her general bio class, she enjoyed learning about neuropsychology and addiction, and being a transport EMT, she regularly aided senior citizens, exposing her to those with Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s.

She set her sights on Jefferson after hearing positive words about the school through Rutgers’ Office for Diversity and Academic Success in the Sciences and learning more about the renowned Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience.

Obayanju’s parents, a nurse and nurse practitioner born in Nigeria, were among the many loved ones in the Crystal Tea Room crowd. Her sister, Bella, assisted Obayanju with ceremoniously putting on her white coat for the first time.

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