March 23, 2014
Jessica Escorcia - Developmental Specialist
The trip to the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine on March 23rd was truly educational for the students and it definitely taught them the difference between what to expect from a DO program versus an MD program. The day started with breakfast and some welcoming remarks by Ms. Marsha Williams. Then they had a panel of 7 currently attending PCOM students who discussed their backgrounds and it was interesting to see how they were all so extremely different. They mentioned that if someone’s grades are not as high as they would like, they suggest enrolling in their master’s program because it shows that one is capable of handling upper level coursework. This increases one’s chances of getting into PCOM for the DO program.
The students asked many questions about how to stand out as a candidate, how to network, and how to fund their education.
Then we split up into two groups and went to the Anatomy Lab and the Simulation Lab. I believe that most students felt that the Anatomy lab was the highlight of the trip. There were many different cadavers and we were allowed to put on gloves and touch everything. There were PCOM professors and students to help explain what we were looking at. Then we went to the Simulation lab which had state of the art mannequins that had vital signs so that students could practice how to handle emergencies.
After attending both Mini Labs, we were all brought together again to witness an OMM Demonstration. The presenter went into the entire history of how Osteopathic Medicine came to be its own specialty. Then he manipulated a student’s neck and demonstrated how flexibility of leg muscles can be visibly improved by some very simple techniques. Lunch was served at the end of this demonstration.
Overall, the student guides were very informative and they were members of ODASIS so that made the experience better for us because there was a sense of shared experiences. In addition, Marsha Williams seemed very willing to help our students if they decide that PCOM is the right school for them!