“It was nice speaking with you on Monday. I also just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for taking an interest in my son and helping him get admitted to ODASIS. In a university the size of Rutgers, it is so important to the success of the future generations to have such a program. I know this to be the case from personal experience at Rutgers. ODASIS makes them realize the amount of time and effort that is required to be successful in the sciences. If there is anything at all that I can do to help in anyway, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help. I hope this program can grow and more students can benefit from the assistance. In the global society in which our children will be expected to compete, it is so important to have a program that will assist our children in being successful in the math and sciences, areas where, unfortunately, students in the U.S. generally fall short.”
Janet El-Maraghy
Mother of John El-Maraghy
Rutgers University Class of 2014