The spirit, organization, perseverance, and commitment at ODASIS are evident to the individuals and groups that know our work. We help our students take their collegiate careers into their own hands and control it, mold it, and make it their own. Since 1986, this has worked for hundreds of students; these students have gone on to become doctors, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, scientists, mathematicians, and much more.

The goal of ODASIS is to provide underrepresented minorities, as well as educationally and economically disadvantaged Rutgers University students, with the necessary tools to become successful science students and eventually, thriving professionals.

We are proud to present this annual report that synchronizes another year of successful program results for the Office for Diversity and Academic Success in the Sciences (ODASIS) throughout the 2013-2016 academic years. Our office continues to serve hundreds of students and collaborates with various organizations, agencies, departments, schools, and foundations to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue careers in the sciences and health professional disciplines or enter the workforce upon graduation.
