- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) - The AAMC is the organization that acredits allopathic medical schools and hospitals throughout the United States. Currently, it is the largest medical education organization in the United States governing over allopathic medical schools, hospitals, and certain professional societies. Students should visit this website for more information on taking the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and the requirements for allopathic medical schools.
- New MCAT Exam 2015: www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat
- New AAMC AspiringDocs.org Hot Topic: "What inspires Emory University student and AspiringDocs.org video contest winner Chidiogo Anyigbo?"
- American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) - AACOM represents the colleges of Osteopathic Medicine in the United States and Canada. In New Jersey many, if not most, primary care physicians are Osteopathic Doctors (D.O.) and Osteopathic Doctors work side by side with Medical Doctors in all facets of medicine. Osteopathic medicine practices a "whole-body approach" to medicine and receive the same training as medical doctors plus learn the technique of manipulative therapy. Students who decide to become a D.O. are required to take the MCATs as well so check out the AAMC site as well.
- American Dental Education Association (ADEA) - The ADEA governs over all Dental Schools in the United States and Canada. Students who wish to pursue any career in dentistry are highly encouraged to visit the website as soon as possible to learn what they need to complete before applying to Dental School or allied and postdoctoral dental education graduate schools, programs, and careers. Information on the Dental Admission Test (DAT), the admission test to apply for dental school and certain graduate school programs
- AspiringDocs.org - is a website and organization setup by the AAMC to increase diversity in all fields of medicine. While the site does target African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, it is also a valuable aid to those who take non-traditonal paths to medicine (i.e. Post - Baccalaureate Education). AspiringDocs.org also fields questions about life inside, outside, before, and after medical education. All responses are provided by medical professionals throughout the United States.
- Rutgers Career Services - Whether a career in the health field is for you or not, check out Rutgers Career Services website and office in the Busch Student Center. Rutgers Career Services provides everything you will need to get into graduate school or go straight into the workforce. Rutgers Career Services shows students how to write winning resumes, perfect graduate school applications, and even conducts mock job and graduate school interviews with post-interview analysis. Do not wait until you are a senior to visit them either. They service the entire Rutgers University student body and are more than willing to help you learn more about whichever career you choose to pursue.
- Rutgers Learning Resource Center - To serve the instructional needs of Rutgers University students and faculty, through student-centered and collaborative academic support programs that stimulate active learning and advance academic achievement. Build and strengthen collaborative relationships with faculty, professional staff, and other academic support programs across campus in meeting the academic support needs of the university community. Involve faculty in the recruitment and training of qualified peer tutors, academic coaches, and study group leaders to facilitate student learning and engagement. Inform faculty, students, departments and the university community about the resources, services, and initiatives of the learning centers that directly support student retention and achievement.
- Student Support Services - Student Support Services is a federally funded program, which is designed to increase the retention and graduation rates of first-generation and low-income students, as well as students with a disability. In addition, SSS is charged with increasing the rate at which this population enrolls in graduate school. SSS provides undergraduate students with one-on-one tutoring, as well as career and academic coaching in one-on-one and group workshop format.
- Podiatry - Doctors of Podiatric Medicine strive to improve the overall health of their patients by focusing on preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the foot and ankle. They treat a variety of conditions and employ innovative treatments to improve the well-being of their patients. The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine's (AACPM) mission is to enhance academic podiatric medicine. AACPM's membership consists of eight colleges and more than 200 hospitals and institutions that offer postdoctoral training in podiatric medicine. The Association serves as a national forum for the exchange of ideas, issues formation and concerns relating to podiatric medical education. The AACPM is a national educational association that serves as a resource to students, residents and practitioners by providing direct access to academic institutions; highlighting opportunities for clerkships and residencies; and linking students to mentors that guide their career development.
- Public Health - The American Public Health Association is the oldest, largest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world and has been working to improve public health since 1872. The Association aims to protect all Americans and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States. APHA represents a broad array of health professionals and others who care about their own health and the health of their communities. For information about public health at Rutgers University, please visit http://policy.rutgers.edu/academics/undergrad/
- Physician's Assistant - Physician Assistants are advanced practice clinicians, and obtain medical histories, perform examinations and procedures, order treatments, diagnose illnesses, prescribe medication, order and interpret diagnostic tests, refer patients to specialists when appropriate and first-assist in surgery. They are employed in primary care or in specialties in urban or rural regions, as well as in academic administration. Physician Assistants may practice in any medical or surgical specialty, and have the ability to move to different medical and surgical fields during their careers. Physician Assistants are licensed to practice medicine with physician supervision, which may be either in person, by telecommunication systems or by other reliable means. The physician supervision, in most cases, need not be direct or on-site, and many Physician Assistants practice in remote or underserved areas in satellite clinics. All states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, have laws or regulations authorizing physician assistants to practice medicine. Physician Assistants may also prescribe medications in all of these locations.
- Nursing - Registered nurses (RNs), regardless of specialty or work setting, treat patients, educate patients and the public about various medical conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients' family members. RNs record patients' medical histories and symptoms, help perform diagnostic tests and analyze results, operate medical machinery, administer treatment and medications, and help with patient follow-up and rehabilitation. RNs teach patients and their families how to manage their illness or injury, explaining post-treatment home care needs; diet, nutrition, and exercise programs; and self-administration of medication and physical therapy. Some RNs work to promote general health by educating the public on warning signs and symptoms of disease. RNs also might run general health screening or immunization clinics, blood drives, and public seminars on various conditions.
- Dental Careers - Dental Sedation Center offers an amazing guide on dental industry careers.